I haven’t posted for a few days mostly because I haven’t had a whole lot of interesting topics to share. Not that my days have been boring. So much is going on around me that I have just been jumbled. Spring is coming! The weather is playing tricks. My brother is all over the media, so I am trying to keep track of his appearances to keep the family up to date. My good friends got married last weekend. On Monday, they found out they are having a baby boy! My company went through big layoffs and some good friends lost their jobs. It has been a whirlwind of things that have distracted me from the things I like to share on the blog. No craft projects this week. No baking. I did buy a new shirt, but I’m not sure that is blog worthy. I hope to get some time to get creative this weekend and get things back on track.
Evan’s mother, Jane, forwarded me an article about SMITH Magazine’s book, Not Quite What I Was Planning. This is a book of 6 word memoirs. The entire book is made up of submissions from people who shared their own life stories in 6 words. The inspiration for this book is described on their website:
Legend has it that Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Last year, SMITH Magazine re-ignited the recountre by asking our readers for their own six-word memoirs. They sent in short life stories in droves, from the bittersweet (“Cursed with cancer, blessed with friends”) and poignant (“I still make coffee for two”) to the inspirational (“Business school? Bah! Pop music? Hurrah”) and hilarious (“I like big butts, can’t lie”).
It is amazing to me the amount of emotion and connection I feel with a 6 word synopsis of a stranger’s life. It really is a fun concept to play with and I think that it is great that you can write in your own to be included on the site and possibly in the next book. I was looking at these 6 word stories as a moment in time in a person’s life rather than a synopsis of its entirety. This made it a little easier to conceptualize my own. As I’ve been brainstorming, I have had a few different versions that describe how I currently feel. I imagine my 6 words will change, but here is what I have today:
Went there, moved here, what next?
I rub people, the right way
what a loser, I can't figure out how to leave it with my name..
Jane ;-)
well, no patience to practice I have to study for my test.
Tragedy: likes writing, cats and dogs.
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