Friday, February 1, 2008

Valentine's Card 2008 edition

I’ve been trying to brainstorm a project to do in honor of Valentine’s Day, but have been uninspired. All of the things that I think of seem like something that would be fun if I had some little kids to play with. I remember making Valentine’s cards full of glitter and construction paper heart cutouts. I know for a fact that my mother has a drawer full of these, but I can’t imagine her finding this as adorable coming from her 26 year old daughter. I thought about how to make a Valentine’s card without being so cheesy and this is what I came up with. I used left over scrap paper from my Christmas gift tags and a hole punch to create my little design. I cut out a heart shape and taped the cut-out on my coffe table so that I could glue tiny hole punched holes in the heart shape on the card. These were fun to make, but a bit tedious, so these are very limited edition. We still have a few weeks till Valentine’s but with our trip to NYC planned for next week, this may be my last red and pink project.

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